
Plantare – Plankton Promoter in Pond Water for Aquaculture

Planktons Stimulant Nutrient Mixture

Planktonic life is an important component in the culture of shrimps and fishes. They play a vital role in the in the food chain. Which are consumed by the cultured species. Besides serving as food. They also control various parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen cycles. This is a mixture of micronutrients in right combination and available for a sustainable release of nutrients for plank tonic growth for balanced Pond eco system.

Composition of Plantare:

Mixture of Micro and Macro nutrients along with Na, K, P, Fe, Cu, Mo, Co, Si, etc.

Benefits of Plantare:

  • Stimulates the plankton growth and stabilizes the bloom.
  • Enhances the growth of more beneficial diatom bloom.
  • Supports the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Controls growth of filamentous algae without affecting soil fertility.
  • Improves the pond water Quality and maintains healthy Eco system in pond.
  • Improves the DO (Dissolved Oxygen) by promoting Photosynthesis.
  • Removes toxic gases (Like Ammonia &Nitrite) by Assimilation.
  • Inhibits the formation of dead algae at the bottom.


  • Use 2-3 kg/hectare of pond (once in 10-15 Days)


  • 1 kg