Growhans AQ

Growhans-Aq – Growth Promoter Feed Additive for Aquaculture

Growth Promoter

Accelerate evenness Growth with better Counts.

GROWHANS is unique blend of formulation to fill the nutritional gap that required for the Growth and balanced metabolic activities. It results in balance of diet, better feed conversion, immunity enhancement, survival rate and growth. Feed consumption will be reduced through better conversion of feed nutrients. A balanced dosage of bioavailability of vitamins helps to relieve all types of stress.

Composition of Growhans:

Combination of mineral stable, vitamin supplements, Amino acids, Bioactive stimulants, and Growth Factors etc.

Benefits of Growhans:

  • Improves fat utilization in Feed and absorption of fats and fat-soluble substances thus better weight gain in fish and shrimp.
  • Provide concentrated proteins for growth of shrimp, prawn & fish and build heavy muscle in aquaculture.
  • Improves feed conversation ratios, growth, weight gain.
  • Increases Shell firmness and corrects Loose shell problems in prawn.
  • Prevents mortalities of shrimp and prawn in aquaculture ponds.
  • Prevents accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
  • Protects hepatopancreas functions in Shrimp/prawns.
  • Induces skin-shedding hormones in shrimp and prawn for better growth rate.


  • Fish :

    3-5 ml per kg of feed
  • Shrimps/Prawns :

    5-10 ml per kg


  • 1 L