Enramycin 8%
ENRAMUR is a polypeptide antibiotic which has a strong antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Clostridium, and inhibits the growth of major pathogens and inhibits the development of major pathogens of the gut flora. Enramycin is a polypeptide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces fungicidus. It acts as an inhibitor of the enzyme, which is essential for cell wall biosynthesis in Gram-positive bacteria. Effectively acts against Clostridium perfringens which causes of animals’ growth inhibition and Necrotic enteritis.
Composition of Enramur:
Each kg contains.
- Effective in prevention of certain diseases in poultry and livestock.
- Improves flock intestinal health, resulting in better feed efficiency and growth performance.
- Rarely induces resistance and no cross-resistance with existing antibiotics, no enramycin-resistant found.
Benefits of Enramur:
- Prevent necrotic enteritis significantly reduce and potbellied.
- Increase the feeds digestibility, promote growth, and decrease the FCR.
- Maintains layers weight and prevents the decrease of laying rate.
- Reduce the condensation of ammonia gas which can improve Farm environment.
- Improves feed efficiency and growth-promoter and at very low inclusion levels in feed.
Dosage and Administration:
The recommended dosage of ENRAMUR is
3 ppm to 10 ppm concentration in feed.
Starter and pre-starter feed:
5 ppm to 10 ppm ENRAMUR 63 to 125 g/ MT
Finisher and withdrawal feed:
3 ppm to 10 ppm ENRAMUR 38 to 125 g/ MT
Layers and breeders:
5 ppm to 10 ppm ENRAMUR 63 to 125 g/ MT